Scottish cities are packed with tall buildings, including office blocks, tenements and hotels. And they all have glass that gets dirty. So if you own or occupy one, how do you clean high windows without a ladder?

How do you clean windows you can’t reach?

Climbing a ladder may not be safe, practical or possible for you. And it may not even be the best solution.

Did you know that many Scottish residents have windows that can be opened inwards? Even some period sash and case windows (the kinds found in tenement blocks and Victorian houses) have fixtures that allow you to swing them inside the building, enabling you to clean both the exterior and interior. Some modern windows flip to provide the same level of efficiency too. Although, unbolting the window to move it can be tricky and you must take great care not to fall out of the wide open space! This is why the job is often best left to a dedicated service provider, who can clean from the outside without disturbing you.

How do you clean really high windows?

Perhaps you’re dealing with windows that can’t be reached with a ladder at all, nor opened inwards. Skyscrapers and towering structures, for example, need special equipment. Scissor lifts and hydraulic platforms reach the places ladders cannot, but they must be used by fully-trained operatives. As working at height can be extremely dangerous when carried out without the necessary skills, it’s important to ensure the professionals you contact, are certified — our staff have received certification through IPAF (International Powered Access Federation).

High window cleaning tools

The most popular and efficient tool for cleaning windows above ground level is the water-fed pole. Using pure water, the pole takes away the need for drying and buffing, leaving your high-level glass, gleaming. And as operatives don’t need to bring or climb a ladder, it’s much safer and quicker than the old-school methods involving climbing.

Are you having problems cleaning upper-storey windows? Give us a call today to arrange a free quote and struggle no more.